Photos from the annual Fall Fest at New Covenant Bible Church in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Our very wonderful pastor, Bob Westfall, greeting you as Uncle Red Green.
Yes, the Peep was here. And he directed traffic for a bit.
Another shot of our favorite Uncle Red.
Collette Rieck handing out flyers to first-time guests.
The Bouncy slide was back again this year.
My dear friends, Lance and Amy McDonald, dressed to kill some aliens.
Hairstyling--in the form of spray--with colors.
The Hangar was busy......
....with fun and games in each room.
My daughter Rebekah getting some styling done to her hair.
Friar Mark kneeling while he eats.
The Bouncy Trampoline.
Pastor Mick Schultz talking to some kids as his wife looks on.
Main Street Cafe as always, brewing.
The Peep has been walking, greeting kids.....
.....and feeding himself popcorn. Hey, even Peeps get hungry too.
The Peep waves goodbye to a youngster.