Monday, March 23, 2015

IAIS 516, CN 5739

First four photos are from South Amana--




CN 5739 South-Central City, IA

CN 5739 South-Alburnett, IA

Light Power move northbound at Fairfax. Video below.

516 and 509 pulling out 50 hoppers to shove to the 900 yard before coupling up to their train for the ride south.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Blue Jays

Couple Blue Jays looking for worms while I wait on the eastbound CBBI at Homestead with 513 on the point.

Eastern Iowa Rails-March 16, 2015

UP 6669 West-Mixed Freight.

ADM 1403 sitting in the house tracks of the CRANDIC Shops.

CIC 205/305

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday, March 2, 2015

Bald Eagle spotted

Spotted a Bald Eagle within camera range on my outing. 
Perched up on a dead tree on the Cedar River at River Rd SE.

Kapstone-bound L563

See video for description.